December 6, 2008

Have you found your music mission?

Do you know what your music gives to others?

If you want to have a successful music career (e.g. making a living making music), you need to find your music mission.

What is a music mission?

It's an understanding of the EFFECT your music has on your CORE AUDIENCE. This is easier to find after you've been playing shows for a while, so that you've had the opportunity to receive feedback. From a business perspective, it's the key benefit of your product.

No one ever told me my music needed to benefit people.

Musicians often forget they are just running a business. And to be successful, they need to offer a product that has value. If your product (your music and performances) does not offer something of value, how can you expect to be paid for it?

Ok, so what does a music mission have to do with it?

Your mission is that thing that your core fans love about your music and what it gives to them. It is also the thing inspires you to keep giving your best to your audience.

How do I find my music mission?

The starting point is this worksheet.

Once you have a rough draft, it may take a while to find your true mission. That would be a phrase, that when you say it, moves and inspires you. Thrills you, even. And it reminds you of what you have to offer.

Which is the key to a successful career.

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